Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
ON THE GROUND IN GEORGIA; IN THE COURTS AGAINST THE COUPAs Trump closes in on destroying the republic, our absolutely jammed 90-minute zoom covers:The birth of our four-year campaign to guarantee a reformed electoral system, including universal hand-marked / scanned / hand-counted paper, ballots, an end to gerrymandering, abolition of the Electoral College and much more.Check out the laundry list at www.ELECTIONPROTECTION2024.org. Hear co-convenor JOEL SEGAL.The nitty-gritty from the Georgia grassroots, featuring the great RAY MCCLENDON of the ATLANTA NAACP. We go into deep detail on how YOU can help drive the turnout in the upcoming Georgia US Senate runoffs, and the pivotal race for the Public Service Commission.The very latest from the attempted Trump coup, with legal experts BOB FITRAKIS, PAUL LEHTO, RAY LUTZ and more. This shifting catastrophe being choreographed from the White House has turned our nation upside down. Hear the deep details and prepare for the worst.And see us again Monday, 5-6:30pm eastern time via www.grassrootsep.org, or stay tuned for the re-podcast here at the Green Power & Wellness Show at prn.fm. Thanks!
Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour - 11.25.20
Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Friday Nov 20, 2020
In our Grassroots Emergency Election Protection Coalition Zoom #27 we go all-out to explore the realities of the upcoming special elections in Georgia that will choose two US Senators and a member of the state’s Public Service Commission.
These two Senate seats will decide who will control the Congressional Upper Chamber. Both are run-offs. And both bring with them extremely complex challenges for election protection activists.
We are joined by legendary civil rights activists REVEREND GERALD DURLEY and REVEREND LEO WOODBURY. We are also joined the Atlanta NAACP’s Political Director RAY MCCLENDON, as well as ALAN MINSKY, Political Director of Progressive Democrats of America.
We run the gamut in this gathering of Georgia’s voter registration, vote by mail, ballot counting and other issues. The January 6 process will be controlled by the election boards of Georgia’s 159 counties. About 19 of them contain some 77% of the African-American voters in Georgia, a population that accounts for about 30% of the state’s overall electorate.
Overall Georgia 2021 will become a generic test case for the ability of an informed citizenry to conduct a truly free, fair and accurate accounting of the will of a state’s population. We will continue with this in-depth exploration right up to the day it happens.
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour - 11.11.20
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
This live Zoom with 100+ activists lays out the program for four years of campaigning to win a viable electoral system.
We evaluate what has happened in 2020 and bemuse ourselves over the Republicans demanding the plumb a “stolen” election as we’ve been doing at least since Florida 2000.
Can we emerge with a truly representative democracy? Can we rid ourselves of gerrymandering? the Electoral College? Push & Pray voting?
We take a first look at the dozens of reforms that need to be made.
We also look at what happened (and is STILL happening) in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Florida, Arizona and more.
This is the beginning of a hard-core grassroots campaign to see if democracy can really be made to work. Don’t miss it!!
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Today we podcast in real time our 25th Grassroots Emergency Election Protection Zoom.
We’ve convened the nation’s leading EP experts since the spring to prepare for the madness of November 3.
Did it prepare us? Is it over?
We explore all that has happened and where we’re really at with a presidential outcome still in doubt.
Who could believe it? and, more importantly….
Join us to find out….and to have your own say…
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Thursday Oct 22, 2020
Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour - 10.22.20
Thursday Oct 22, 2020
Thursday Oct 22, 2020
Our desperate nitty-gritty campaign to protect the 2020 election continues with our 22d GRASSROOTS EMERGENCY ELECTION PROTECTION Zoom.
We start with the 1887 ELECTORAL COUNT ACT that might allow Trump to steal the election with Red legislatures overturning the popular vote and choose their own Electoral College delegations.
This terrifying situation has been reinforced by the pending appointment of yet another right-wing fanatic to the US Supreme Court, who could tip the ultimate vote count to enthrone Trump by 6-3 or 5-4.
Helping Trump’s coup is a court opinion upholding North Carolina’s demand that all mail-in ballots be accompanied by a signed witness affidavit.
Reports of a high rejection rate among African-American voters have raised fears of yet another stolen election, with “cure” possibilities real but complex.
Ballot tracking capabilities in many states could help ease the problem.
Digital scanning machines in Florida and Michigan could be a great way to count votes, but they're also vulnerable to hacking, especially if they're discarding their digital images (for no real reason except to cheat).
In an election that will likely turn on those two states, our informed scrutiny could make all the difference.
There is much more. If you are concerned about protecting the election that will decide the future of our species, please listen to this show.
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour - A “SUPREMELY” THREATENED ELECTION
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Thursday Oct 08, 2020
With many of the nation’s top experts we do the critical update on HOW THIS ELECTION IS BEING STOLEN & what we must do to protect it.
We look at the legal/Constitutional basis by which the Pennsylvania and other right-wing legislatures might intervene to nullify the popular vote and turn the Electoral College to Trump.
We get first-hand reports from NORTH CAROLINA, OHIO, FLORIDA, MICHIGAN, WISCONSIN and elsewhere on the assault Trump is waging on the right to vote.
We look at the DIGITAL IMAGING DEVICES being sabotaged throughout the country to prevent a fair and rapid vote count.
We examine the BALLOT MARKING DEVICES that are corrupting and delaying the early voting process.
We confront the issue of ARMED MILITIAS terrorizing voters in primarily African-American and university districts.
We prepare to do a DEFINITIVE HANDBOOK for the upcoming 2022 election….if there is one….
If you value your democracy, don’t miss this discussion….
Friday Oct 02, 2020
Friday Oct 02, 2020
As we mourn the passing of the great RUTH BADER GINSBURG, we face the reality that her replacement COULD BE STOPPED if the Democrats so choose.
We look into how to become a poll worker and a poll monitor—two very different things with different requirements.
We get in-depth reports on the latest election protection news from Steve Rosenfeld.
And up-to-date accountings from swing states North Carolina, Ohio, Florida, Wisconsin and more.
We also hear about voter intimidation in Fairfax County, Virginia, and elsewhere.
As the election of our lifetime winds down, we hunker down to protect our election and keep up-to-date and exactly how that must be done.