Friday May 10, 2024
Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 5.9.24
Friday May 10, 2024
Friday May 10, 2024
We open with BRYNN TANNEHILL’s powerful report on escalating attacks against trans people throughout the US, but with an astounding victory in Kansas (!).
VINNIE DESTEFANO’S information on Julian Assange includes a way YOU can help by calling your Senators & Representatives to get him FREE!
MYLA RESON, DAVID GURAN and WENDI LEDERMAN chime into the amazing battle to save the right to practice journalism anywhere on Earth.
RUTH STRAUSS talks to us about “Outside Agitators” and Joe Biden.
From Georgia's RAY MCCLENDON we hear the latest on the Trump prosecutions and also on the arrival of the Vogtle nuclear plant already devastating the Peach State economy.
Republican Arizona state Senator KEN BENNETT explains the 4-point program for guaranteeing safe, fair, digitally scanned paper ballots that produce accurate outcomes in public elections.
With legendary election protection pioneer JOHN BRAKEY we conduct an astonishing excursion into the workings of the AZ legislature’s progress into the world of actual democracy.
Will this publicly verifiable method of conducting the vote counting and auditing process become a national model? Let’s hope so.
Globally infamous “magician” DAVID SALTMAN jumps in to doubt the ability of run a fair and accurate vote count when professional slights of hand are lurking.
An Emmy-winning investigative reporter, Saltman challenges Sen. Bennett and Brakey to prove that they can produce a vote count without error.
DONALD SMITH warns of violence at the polls.
Myla Reson then challenges Senator Bennett to do face the realities of the horrendous Palo Verde nuclear plant. No Nukes!!!
In four weeks (on June 3) we will stage a national zoom gathering on how to conduct fair, reliable, verifiable elections this fall….
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