
Tuesday Dec 16, 2014
Solartopia Green Power And Wellness Show - 12.16.14
Tuesday Dec 16, 2014
Tuesday Dec 16, 2014
A RATEPAYER REVOLT against nuclear power and the nationwide battle for Solartopia are the pure green fires that drive today’s show. CYNTHIA PAPERMASTER of CODE PINK is organizing a rate withholding campaign in California’s Bay Area meant to force Pacific Gas & Electric to finally shut its two lethal reactors at Diablo Canyon. Cynthia recently presented Michael Peavey of the California Public Utilities Commission with a “pink slip” for his collusion with the utilities he was hired to regulate. His actual resignation followed shortly thereafter.
Expert KEVIN KAMPS of BEYOND NUCLEAR tells us about the politics of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the new Republican Congress. The willingness of regulatory agencies to ignore water quality and public safety issues for the benefit of greedy corporations threatens the health, safety and prosperity of all of us at dying reactors like New Jersey’s Oyster Creek and Davis-Besse in Ohio. Kevin’s decades of hard campaigning for a Solartopian dawn make him one of American’s leading exerts on what happens next with atomic energy. Together, Cynthia and Kevin offer a great perspective on what we must now do to rid the Earth of atomic energy.