Friday Aug 28, 2020
Friday Aug 28, 2020
TEN WEEKS TO ARMAGEDDON: THE GRASSROOTS EP ELECTION PROTECTION ZOOM #15We continue our focus on the fall Armageddon Election with top expert/activists at the cutting edge.JOEL SEGAL outlines the powerful grassroots coalition under construction in North Carolina.MAYOR JENNIFER ROBERTS breaks the news of the Panther/Hornets stadia being used for early voting in Charlotte.STEVE SPITZ and KRISTIN CABRAL explain major developments in VIRGINIA.JOHN BRAKEY dissects his huge victory for electronic ballot imaging in Florida, which could transform the national vote count.ROBERT FITRAKIS updates us from swing state Ohio, where repression is massive.STEVE ROSENFELD provides critical updates on developing trends nationwide.We dive deep into the USPS, Vote-by-Mail and early voting.This is the essential organizing and informational center for election protection. We will go strong through November 3 and beyond. Join us!!
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