Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour - A “SUPREMELY” THREATENED ELECTION
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
With the Dems crumbling as usual before a Supreme Court nominee meant to make Trump Dictator for Life, we cover all the bases in our 21st Election Protection zoom.
We begin by honoring INDIGENOUS PEOPLE’S DAY with an invocation from TATONKA BRICA of America’s First People. We see how Trump’s outrageous hand maiden nominee could hand him the electon 6-3 or 5-4. We explore how the 1887 ELECTORAL COUNT ACT could get him to the Supreme Court and on his way to Dictator for Life.
We confront the armed militias who set out to kidnap Michigan Governor GRETCHEN WHITMER.
We discuss the FAKE DROP BOXES in Los Angeles versus the unwillingness of Republican Secretaries of State in Ohio, Texas and elsewhere to deploy REAL DROP BOXES.
We cover the question of pre-processing of mailed-in ballots in ARIZONA and FLORIDA with legendary election protection experts ION SANCHO and JOHN BRAKEY.
We hear from LYNNE BERNSTEIN about mailed-in ballots being voided in NORTH CAROLINA.
We hear from BOB FITRAKIS about the “cure”process in OHIO, who also tells us of absurdly misprinted ballots in a key swing Congressional district.
LORI GRACE presents us with a get-out-the-vote video based in PA.
As always, there’s much more. If you are concerned about the current electoral apocalypse, and hope to do something about it, don’t miss this action-packed exploration.
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