
Wednesday Apr 15, 2015
Solartopia Green Power And Wellness Hour - 04.14.15
Wednesday Apr 15, 2015
Wednesday Apr 15, 2015
The ATTACK ON RENEWABLES IN OHIO is dissected and made understandable by the brilliant NED FORD, the Cincinnati-based expert who has translated the state’s mutated energy policies for years on end.
In 2008 Ohio adopted a forward-looking bi-partisan energy policy designed to promote efficiency and renewables and bring Ohio into the 21st Century. Like other midwestern states, Ohio has been hooked on coal. But to meet federal air quality standards, many of the old Buckeye coal burners are scheduled to shut down in 2016. Ohio’s excellent northern wind resource, plus new renewable and efficiency, have been poised to pick up the slack.
But since 2010 and the coming of a new Republican regime, led by Governor John Kasich, an industry attack has gutted Ohio’s green-powered future….and with it the prospects of many other states who are following in the same polluted footprint.
Ned Ford provides us a stunningly clear, concise picture of how this is happening. If you are interested in a green-powered future, this show is a vital resource.