Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour - 03.18.21
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Today’s exploration into the escalating war over voting rights starts with zoom reports from EMILY LEVY and LULU FRIESDAT.
JOHN BRAKEY updates us on the insane lawsuits over millions of actual paper ballots in Arizona.
Nationally syndicated journalists BOB KOEHLER and DENNIS BERNSTEIN check in.
Then we hear in great depth and importance from RAY MCCLENDON, Political Director of the Atlanta NAACP, on the scorched Earth attack by Georgia Republicans.
We end with an historic accounting from BURT WIDES, legendary Congressional staffer and attorney.
Burt’s 50-year career with Senators like Edward Kennedy and Frank Church make him a true natonal treasure; his detailed, painstaking explanations of legislative challenges are not to be missed.
NOTE: our PRN slot for this Grassroots Election Protection zoom #44 ends at the hour; however there’s another 30+ minutes you can find at the Zoom Archive at www.electionprotection2024.org.
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