
Tuesday Feb 10, 2015
Solartopia Green Power And Wellness Hour - 02.10.15
Tuesday Feb 10, 2015
Tuesday Feb 10, 2015
THE WORLD'S MOST DANGEROUS NUKE might well be DAVIS-BESSE near Toledo, Ohio. Its Keystone Kop litany of shoddy construction, operator mishap and completely uncaring mis-management is unique---and uniquely dangerous.
But Ohio citizens now have a chance to shut it down by denying it the huge rate hike its owners are asking for this crumbling, decrepit reactor and at least one additional coal burner.
We're joined by local attorney TERRY LODGE and KEVIN KAMPS of BEYOND NUCLEAR, along with TIM JUDSON of the NUCLEAR INFORMATION & RESOURCE SERVICE. They fill us in on the sorry history and perilous present of this insanely faulty reactor.
Join us to hear atomic realities you couldn't make up. Here's how you might help shut this thing:
Write the PUCO at: docketing@puc.state.oh.us
Here is the label folks should use in the subject line of the email, as well as the body of the email message, so PUCO can route the public comments to the correct proceeding: